KYCC — Beyond a Home

This is a story about Sharon and her two children, Sharese and Shawn, who have been living at The Menlo Family Apartments for almost four years. They lost their home in South Central Los Angeles as a result of a bad subprime mortgage. Thanks to the Menlo Family Apartments and the many services provided by KYCC, Sharon has been able to get back on her feet and provide a brighter future for her children.

In 2013, KYCC opened the Menlo Family Apartments on the border of Pico-Union and Koreatown in Los Angeles. The 60-unit building provides housing to families in need and the Koreatown Youth and Community Center (KYCC) offers onsite programs and services at the Menlo Family Center. The center contains over 4,000 square feet of services space and community rooms on the ground floor. Services, provided by KYCC, include afterschool programs, life skills training, financial literacy and parenting, and mental health counseling and treatment.


Working America


KYCC Small Business Relief